School Starts 2020

After such a torrid beginning to 2020, the new school year was met with relief by all. Finally we all had a focus and meaning to our days, rather than staggering around trapped by smoke, heat and fits of depression.

Jethro had his first day of preschool at Narrabundah Early Learning Centre, and found himself in the Grass Parrot room, with teachers Kim and Kris. From day one there was no looking back, and he has been enthusiastic about going and seems to be enjoying the whole process of institutionalisation, which surprised me a little! He is refusing to wear the school uniform t-shirt, preferring to be his own man with his own identity and clothes, but the uniform isn't mandatory for preschoolers so thankfully I don't have to pressure him at all. The first week was a little comic as he was so tired by the end of the day that he would transform in to a little rage monkey and the smallest thing would set him off in the most spectacular fashion, though thankfully it was so transparent what the issue was that we were able to avoid any major flare ups!

    Jethro and Huon on their first days, Beatrix on the Monday expressing herself without the boys!

Huon started Telopea on the Tuesday, and he also seems to have transitioned back to school just fine, probably thanks in part to having such a disappointing summer holiday! His first comment when asked how grade 1 was treating him was that he "liked having his own desk", so i guess the formality and greater academic focus probably suits him. His teachers are Annick (French), and Suzanne (English), both whom seem great, but I think Suzanne especially good with Huon.

And that then leaves Beatrix and Mama home alone, and wow things are different! Beatrix still naps, so that gives me a couple of hours to write blogs, prepare dinners and try to wrestle our life into some order. I'm conscious that I need to spend time with Beatrix doing things with her rather than just having her accompany me on my errands, as she has her needs too.

     Beatrix and I went climate protesting as the first school week coincided with first sitting week for parliamentarians

Life isn't all skittles and rainbows though, as we do have a gruelling extra-curricular regime Mon-Wed, so those precious few hours alone get eaten up seeing to washing and cooking as I said. Monday evening I am at Alliance Francaise, Tuesdays we all troop back to AF for Big Guy's french class, then Wednesday it is Huon's Music class, so it is a very busy few days for us all.

I feel as though I am working quite hard right now: shopping, organising food, cleaning, washing, preparing children, completing forms, chauffeur service, extra-curricular activities, remembering library books, homework, etc.  I have the common complaint that it seems the harder and faster and more efficient I work, the more I stand still and never end up any further ahead! Work harder!! Work harder!! Arrrghghg!

Anyway, this is a good preview into how the rest of the year will pan out...lots of weeks of the above: school, classes, and me running around like mad!


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